He's waitin' on you.
Mr. Blatz... Mr. Blatz?
It looks like we're making
progress, sir.
This sample is
over 20% petrocite.
20%. Well, this little expedition
may be worth something yet.
Talk to me, George.
Well, Mr. Blatz,
I've been studying the results
of the exploratories,
and the big hit is right here
at Kamp Kikakee.
Blatz here yet?
Did you get it?
I couldn't get
the old Indian to budge.
Sherman, he might as
well be on another planet.
I don't want
your excuses.
I want results.
All right, Sherman,
I'll give it another try.
Do I have to remind you,
Mr. Blatz,
just how valuable petrocite
is to the space program
and every other defense
contractor in the world?
What we're
talking about here
is the largest deposit
ever found.
There are millions
at stake here...
so why don't you get your
tight, little lawyer's butt
over to the camp
and get me that lease?
Learning to make a fire
without matches and gasoline
is essential.
You need to know
the basic physics of friction.