You wanted to know about the Russians.
They are all Jewish.
- They're here to do heavy
labour in the North Camp.
See if their officer will meet me
in the womens barracks tonight.
I don't know what is going on,
but whatever it is, I wish you good luck.
No, no, no, no.
Now, we'll just see what he's like.
- Let's find out if he trusts us.
- Or whether we trust him.
Civilians and soldiers, Russians,
Poles trusting each
other. I don't know...
- Well, we have to try.
- Supposing they escape?
If they escape, they'll pay for it.
- Lieutenant, I am Leon Feldhendler.
- Alexander Pechersky.
- This is Samuel Freiberg.
- A pleasure, lieutenant Perchersky.
Everyone calls me Sasha.
It saves time and energy.
Thank you. We would like very much to
know what's happening in the outside world.
Would you tell us?
- Of course.
- What's happening in the war?
- Please, please.
- How far away is your army?
We are between 6 and 700 miles away.
We are beating back the Nazis,
but it is a slow process.
- Are there partisans
nearby? Could they help us?