Full Metal Jacket

This is Mars- 1 ground crew.
Do you copy?

This is Mars- 1 ground crew.
Do you copy?

This is Mars- 1 ground crew.
Do you copy? Hello?
We're the guys on Mars.
Come on. Someone talk to us.
Try again.
This is Mars- 1 ground crew.
Do you copy?

This is Mars- 1 ground crew.
Do you copy?

Maybe they'll hear us back in 1 997.
It's been two hours.
Mars-1 , Houston.
We've picked something off a radio
telescope pointed in your direction.

You won 't believe this.
You'll have to tune to a frequency
we haven 't used in 50 years.

Yeah, well. . .
. . .it was worth a shot.
Mars ground crew, this is Mars-1 .
Do you copy?

Mars ground crew, this is Mars-1 .
You're alive.
Holy shit, you made it too.
I know that HAB is wrecked.
What is your status?

We're down here at the little rover
with Burchenal and Pettengil.

Got no food and water,
AMEE's gone mustang. . .

. . .and, oh, yeah, we can breathe.
How can that be? The oxygen levels
are. . . . That is impossible.

I don 't know.
But we're doing it.
I saw a body back at MEV.
Who was it?

That was Chantilas.
Santen's gone too.

What happened?
Pettengil says he threw himself
off a cliff.

Anyway, that's the news.
We won't make it much longer.
I hope you got an idea,
because we're fresh out.
