By the year 2000, we'd overpopulated,polluted and poisoned our planet...
...faster than we could clean it up.
We ignored the problem for as long aswe could but were kidding ourselves.
By 2025, we knew we werein trouble...
...and began to desperately searchfor a new home: Mars.
For the last 20 years, we've sentunmanned probes with algae...
...bioengineered to grow there andproduce oxygen.
We'll build ourselves an atmospherewe can breathe.
And for 20 years it seemed to work.It looked like we'd pulled it off.
Then all of a sudden,oxygen levels started to drop.
We don 't know why.
The international community has thrownall its resources behind us.
It's the greatest undertaking manhas ever attempted.
Our ship, Mars-1 , is too massive tolaunch from the surface of the planet.
We've shuttled to the high-orbitspace station...
...for a low-gravity launch to beginour six-month trip: