Well, I'm here, but it's all wrong.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Sure, there was going to be blood
and sacrifice and death.
I knew that, Sarge.
But not like this.
You tried to tell me how it was.
Right from that very first day,
you tried.
But I was so young.
So sure I had the answers.
I don't think I have the answers
anymore, only questions.
- Specialist Jack Willow reporting.
- Pete Deveber, clerk.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
- Your platoon's on a drop.
- Drop?
Burial. That's what we do here.
Nam's made burial a growth industry.
We're up to 15 drops a day. Bing, bing.
Since you missed this one,
take the morning off. I'll cover it.
- That's real friendly of you.
- I'm a friendly type.
- That the top kick's desk?
- Yeah. Slasher Williams.
- Slasher?
- He did some boxing in the Army.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. That reminds me...
...I said I'd get someone
for guard duty.
Oh, no sweat. I'll take it.
I think you're gonna like Top, man.
I think you'll hit it off.
I really do.
- Hi, Top.
- Hey! Hey!
- Who the hell are you?
- Willow's pulling guard duty tonight.
Dildo, night-guard duty is the ugliest
duty you can pull...
...and already had been pulled
by little shit-for-brains.
I know, Top. He told me.
It's okay. I volunteered.
You volunteered in my company?
A fudge-nose volunteer
in my company?
Dildo, you've managed
to top my shit list...
...in exactly
13 fucking seconds!