Yes, sergeant.
I got better things to do.
- Taylor, got that bunk squared?
- Let's see the shoe.
- Are you kidding?
- Come on, I'll show you.
- You guys talking or working there?
- You dickhead!
- You're using real spit, right?
- It's a spit shine.
You need cold water
and cotton balls.
No spit?
Like this.
Small circles. Gotta build up a base.
It's gonna take time. Give it a shot.
Pull those laces out
and press them.
All right, all right, you heroes.
Listen up!
Nothing but stocking feet
until 0958 hours!
- How far away are we?
- It's under control.
- He's in Bravo.
- Right.
- I'll stall him.
- Okay.
When the inspection begins...
...Colonel Godwin will chat
with some of you troops...
...real homey shit.
- Outstanding.
Don't step on your dicks.
That is an order!
Just say you are from Asshole,
Arkansas, or some fucking place...
...and you love the Army, and shut up!
If I find slobber in these canteens,
you will drink it.