Ghoulies II

And you're everywhere.
Keep away from me!
l'm so sorry about Ned.
-l know how you feel.
-No, you don't.

Do you wanna go someplace
and talk about it?

Why don't you talk to Hardin? Or did you
tell him everything you had to last night?

That's not fair. He called me in
to discuss a business proposition.

He's good at that.
He just offered to buy me out.

-What'd you tell him?
-l told him to go to hell.

Wanna get some coffee?
Thank you.
When l saw you standing
in front of Nigel's trailer with Hardin--

He found out l used to walk the wire
for another carnival.

He wanted me to take up the act again.
l said no.

Why not? The money's good.
-l'm afraid of heights.
-You're kidding?

l didn't used to be.
The act was a double. My brother and l.
He used to ride a bike on the wire
with me on his shoulders.

We'd also pass each other on the wire.
One time, almost two years ago...
we were making a crossing.
lt was a tough one.

Outdoors in a wind.
l was so scared.
But when l looked at him,
he smiled at me, this big smile.
