Thank you.
When l saw you standing
in front of Nigel's trailer with Hardin--
He found out l used to walk the wire
for another carnival.
He wanted me to take up the act again.
l said no.
Why not? The money's good.
-l'm afraid of heights.
-You're kidding?
l didn't used to be.
The act was a double. My brother and l.
He used to ride a bike on the wire
with me on his shoulders.
We'd also pass each other on the wire.
One time, almost two years ago...
we were making a crossing.
lt was a tough one.
Outdoors in a wind.
l was so scared.
But when l looked at him,
he smiled at me, this big smile.
And then he was gone.
l almost fell, too. l grabbed for the wire.
As l looked down...
he missed the net.
So you see, l do know how you feel.
What the hell's going on?
You want in there,
you buy a ticket just like everybody else.
-When the carnival opens.
-No, l run this attraction.
Not according to
the Greenville Circuit Court.