Good Morning, Vietnam

How do you recognize an island? Do you
go, exc... Hey, wait. No, don't tell me.

Wait, wait. Didn't we meet last year
at the Feinman bar mitzvah?

You look a lot like Hawaii.
Didn't we meet last year
at the Peninsula Club? No.

Pope Paul VI
celebrated a mass in Italian.
Whoa! Call me crazy! He's in Rome.

You know, one day I want to meet him,
kiss his ring, and have it go, whrrr!

The Mississippi River broke through
a protective dike today.

What is... What is a protective dike?
Is that a large woman standing by
the river going, "Don't go near there"?

"But Betty..." "Don't go near there.
Get away from the river.
Stay away from there."

I know we can't use the word "dyke." You
can't even say "lesbian." It's women in
comfortable shoes. Thank you very much.

Now here's the weather. We're gonna
go right to Roosevelt E. Roosevelt.
Roosevelt, how's it going?

"Adrian, I'm with somebody. Don't even
come here and bother me right now."

- Well, thanks, Roosevelt.
Can't you give us a little weather?
- "Not now, man.

I'm on the balcony,
I'm trying to score. Back off."

Well, what's the weather like?
"You got a window? Open it."

Thank you, Roosevelt. We'll have to
go to someone else for the weather.

I guess we'll have to go all the way
to Washington Weather Central
to Walter Cronkite.
Walter, what's the weather like?

"I just want to begin by saying
to Roosevelt E. Roosevelt...

'What it is, what it shall be,
what it was.'

Weather out there today
is hot and shitty...

with continued hot and shitty
in the afternoon.

Tomorrow a chance of continued
crappy with a pissy weather
front coming down from the north.

Basically, it's hotter than
a snake's ass in a wagon round-up. "

Okay, we're gonna hit some songs
at you right now. Comin' your way!

What the hell was that?
Crappy weather, shitty weather?

- Comedy, sir.
- Comedy? No, no. This is not comedy.

- Comedy is fun, it's antics,
hysterical-type things.
- Hysterical-type things?

- Airman Cronauer
requesting you to elaborate, sir.
- Antics, damn it.

Comedy of errors, like
the Keystone Cops falling down.
General wackiness like that.

Falling down, that's a sight gag.
How would anyone see you
fall down on the radio, sir?

- No, no, no, no.
Not literally falling down.
- Definitely wouldn't work
on the radio, sir.

- See, sir?
- What I mean is in the spirit
of the Keystone Cops.

- Sir, it wouldn't work, I don't think.
- I don't think anybody would
see you fall through a radio, sir.

- I-I-I-I... If a field radio...
- What are you doing here?

- Well, I thought I'd come
and help smooth things out...
- Don't help and don't smooth.

And you... You are not funny,
but you are a maniac...

and you'd better start
changing your life.
