Good Morning, Vietnam

Former Vice President Richard Nixon's
in town. That's right,
the big Dick is here. Get ready.

I think there's
an incredible coincidence here.
I think he sounds exactly like Mr Ed.

You be the judge.
"I tell you this."

Now listen: "Wilbur, come in the room."
An incredible coincidence.

Some more songs.
Movin' on, movin' on into the dawn
with the Dawnbusters. Yeah!

- Well, if you want me, it's all right
It's all right
- It's all right, it's all right

- It's all right
- It's all right

- Well, if you want me, it's all right
It's all right
- It's all right, it's all right

- It's all right
- It's all right

The requests will be taken
pretty soon. Requests...
Where am I gonna take requests?

Where do you call from? "Yeah, I'm in
a phone booth out in the DMZ.

- I'm trying to call you right now."
- And I think you're too fine

- You know, now, how I love ya
- Lock and loll, baby. Lock and loll.

Believe me
How I love ya, believe me

If you want me, it's all right
- If you want me, it's all right,
It's all right
- It's all right, it's all right

- It's all right
- It's all right

- Well, if you want me, it's all right
It's all right
- It's all right, it's all right
- Believe!

- It's all right
- It's all right

Once again we've got our friend
from military intelligence.

Can you tell us what you've found out
about the enemy since you've been here?

"We found out
that we can't find them.

They're out there, and we're having
a major difficulty...

in finding the enemy."
Well, what do you use
to look for them?

"Well, we ask people,
'Are you the enemy? '

And whoever says yes,
we shoot them."

- All right
- It's all right

- Well, if you want me, it's all right
It's all right
- It's all right

"It's very difficult to find
a Vietnamese man named Charlie.

They're all named Nyugen
or Doh or things like that.

- It's very difficult for me."
- Coming home, it feels nice

Thanks very much.
Is it true that you've actually, um...

You're actually too close to some
of the nerve agents they were testing?

"Nerve... uh, gas?"
Yes, have you used any?
"Well, once, yes, on myself.
And it had no... Whoa! Whoa!
No effect on me.
