Hamburger Hill

Hey, pal.
You know where l can
find general Rufferman?

Not friend of mine.
He is major genral, two stars.

l am supposed to deliver
this to trailer to him.

And l can't find anyone to sign for it.
Hey l'll sign for it.
l'm responsible for this.
Well look at it.
Keepin the army forever to pay it off.
Everybody shoots at me.
Especially grunts.

l'm just rolling highway
sinder hunt and seek.

Listen, maybe you can
get a marine to sign for it.

Yeah. Yeah, thanks a lot.
Those guys are dancing.

This is one weird place.
Seventeen fucking wake up
and l'll never eat this shit again.

You hear what l'm saying sarge?
/We are in the army, man.

What are you gonna do when
you are back in the world?

l got places to go,
things to do, people to see.

Yeah but how are you gonna act?
Like a PFC, Private fucking civilian.
You are talkinig, you don't know
what you're saying, brother.

You ever heard of boony rap?
Fuck this, shit on that, no fucking way.
