Yeah. Yeah, thanks a lot.
Those guys are dancing.
This is one weird place.
Seventeen fucking wake up
and l'll never eat this shit again.
You hear what l'm saying sarge?
/We are in the army, man.
What are you gonna do when
you are back in the world?
l got places to go,
things to do, people to see.
Yeah but how are you gonna act?
Like a PFC, Private fucking civilian.
You are talkinig, you don't know
what you're saying, brother.
You ever heard of boony rap?
Fuck this, shit on that, no fucking way.
l love that mother fucking bastards.
You back off Motown
cuz l got my fucking act.
Look man, l got my act together. OK?
My shit's straight man.
You know a straighter and more intellegent brother
in first platoon then me?
Hey listen up, he's got college.
One time l went home
on special emergency leave,
My mama made me a
special meal man with
everything l love, l mean greens,
fresh vegetable, potatos, candies...
l happened to like baked ham.
So whole my family was there, and l said to myself, Motown
you got these people fooled.
l mean the day before that,
we were humping in Ashau valley,
and now l'm home with my family.
And l'm skatin man.
No problems. Number one.
l smile at my mama. Great meal, ma.
Would you please pass the fucking potatoes.