Doppler phase translocator activated.
State of the art.
All personnel,
we are now at priority level one.
Secure all stations.
Environmental control systems, check.
Gyro stabilization XYZ coordinates, check.
Laser subsystem analysis, check.
Pod lockdown and rotation complete.
Begin phase two of alignment.
Prepare for shield closure.
- Lieutenant, do you read me?
- Rock and roll.
Stand by.
I need final confirmation from Biomed.
Biomed complete.
- And from optoelectrical station three.
- Three, check.
- Station two.
- Two, check.
- And the MRD?
- Entry point plotted.
CC, do you confirm we're clear to proceed?
Dr. Niles isn't here yet.
That's his trouble, not mine.
Nothing I can do.
Prepare PEM number one.
Activate Photon Echo Memory system.
Insert PEM number one.
Commencing PEM number one's insertion.
Open pre-feed to the hydroperc chamber.