- Lieutenant, do you read me?
- Rock and roll.
Stand by.
I need final confirmation from Biomed.
Biomed complete.
- And from optoelectrical station three.
- Three, check.
- Station two.
- Two, check.
- And the MRD?
- Entry point plotted.
CC, do you confirm we're clear to proceed?
Dr. Niles isn't here yet.
That's his trouble, not mine.
Nothing I can do.
Prepare PEM number one.
Activate Photon Echo Memory system.
Insert PEM number one.
Commencing PEM number one's insertion.
Open pre-feed to the hydroperc chamber.
Pull up a display
on the photon densitometer.
Stand by, Lieutenant.
Insert PEM number two.
These should have been on my desk
a week ago.
Do you have any other papers
you haven't turned in?
Pod activated.
Microchip interlock complete.
Hold on to your breakfast, Lieutenant.
This is it.
Activate centrifuge.