
... obnoxious woman
with bright orange hair.

I'm passing her stuff over...
... the bar code scanner. I don't notice it...
... but the computer is ringing up
the wrong prices.

So when I'm all done,
I look at the total and it's way up over...

...and it's way up over $100,000.
So the woman with the orange hair
says to me, real calm...

...she says to me:
"I don't carry that kind of cash
around on me, sweetie."

Open wide.
I say, "Oh, is that right?"
And she says, "Will you take this instead?"

She reaches into her purse...
... and pulls out a little pearl-handled pistol.
She pulls back on the trigger
and at that moment I wake up screaming.

Take it easy, Jack. It's all right.
The nurse will get it.

Just sit down.
I'm sorry, Jack.
I didn't mean to push you off.

Jack, please, sit down and relax.
Catch your breath.

You know that I am more than your doctor.
I'm your friend.

You're one of my favorite patients.
Let's face it.

Your regular office visits
are the cornerstone of my entire practice.

The problem is,
medicine is not what you need, Jack.

What you need is rest and relaxation.
A total change of scene.

Maybe a nice vacation.
How does that sound?

It sounds good.
Then take one.
And find a place that's peaceful and quiet.

The most important thing for you now
is no excitement.

Got it?
- I know it's hard to believe...
- Hard? Try "impossible".

That's why I want you to see for yourself.
