Just sit down.
I'm sorry, Jack.
I didn't mean to push you off.
Jack, please, sit down and relax.
Catch your breath.
You know that I am more than your doctor.
I'm your friend.
You're one of my favorite patients.
Let's face it.
Your regular office visits
are the cornerstone of my entire practice.
The problem is,
medicine is not what you need, Jack.
What you need is rest and relaxation.
A total change of scene.
Maybe a nice vacation.
How does that sound?
It sounds good.
Then take one.
And find a place that's peaceful and quiet.
The most important thing for you now
is no excitement.
Got it?
- I know it's hard to believe...
- Hard? Try "impossible".
That's why I want you to see for yourself.
Then, if you're interested,
the project is yours.
First amaze me, then we'll talk funding.
Damn this traffic. We're gonna be late.
Just out of curiosity, who's your guy?
Your pilot?
You might know him. Tuck Pendelton.
- Why did you choose him?
- He had the right qualifications.
- Such as?
- He was the only one crazy enough to do it.
Let me tell you about Tuck Pendelton.
He could have been one of the best.
But he hates authority...
...he can't take orders,
and he likes to make up his own rules.
Don't look so depressed.
The experiment is bound to fail
long before Pendelton can screw it up.
How does that feel? It feels good.
Then do it again.
The Tuck Pendelton machine, zero defects.
- You're not getting nervous, are you?
- Not yet.
Let's review the neuromuscular
facial response experiment one more time.