You were right, Galinette.
You'll be growing flowers.
Why was it such a secret?
I wanted to try it out fiirst,
to see if the soil is right.
Once they bloomed,
I knew you'd be impressed.
The flowers didn't impress me.
The florist did.
- What'll it cost?
- 1 5,000.
- You've got it.
- You're too generous!
Not really. It's not for you.
It's for all Soubeyrans,
buried ones and future ones.
If its nose was where its tail is,
I would die!
Like us!
- Something's bothering me?
- What?
The water.
What water?
A carnation plant
drinks like a fiish.
For my 500 plants,
I shredded my hands hauling water.
Install a cistern with a pump.
It'll be empty in four days
if we water 500 plants.
That is a problem.
We should dig a big reservoir...
that would collect
all the rainwater.
It may not rain one year!
No. We must fiind a fiield
near a natural water source.
I wonder--
What if we buy Bouffiigue's fiield
and his spring...
up at Romarins?
Does that spring still have water?
My father said it dried up.
It's more than half blocked up.
When I was young,
it was a lovely stream.
Old Camoins grew cartloads
of vegetables there.
I bet we could unblock it
with a pickax.