He'd better not croak!
Why not?
Someone could die
from falling out of a tree.
So much for my carnations.
Too bad. It was a perfect spot.
If he doesn't wake up,
his heirs will sell the farm.
We could buy it cheap.
- Let's fiinish him off.
- No. Maybe someone saw us.
You see, Galinette...
never lose faith in Providence.
Why don't you shave him
in his bed?
I don't shave anyone who is horizontal.
Not even a corpse.
But where are those two going?
It's over here. See?
The spring was by the fiig tree.
Don't turn around!
Old man Camoins
had dug a ditch...
that led down to the end
of that fiield there.
That way the water just ran
downhill by itself. Understand?
See the soggy ground
around my foot?
The water's blocked, but it's there.
It's easy enough to--