just listen to me, Marius.
If you sell me your property--
not the house,
just the fiield and the hill--
just name your price.
What nerve! You think
I'd sell my property?
Look. Thousand-franc bills.
Go to hell!
Goddamn you Soubeyran pigs!
Don't yell like that,
or you'll choke.
And don't insult the Soubeyrans,
or you'll regret it!
He's only kidding.
Why is that half-wit mixing in?
I'll get down and show you
what I think of the Soubeyrans!
Lousy bastards! Pigs! Thieves!
Come down here!
Lousy bastard! Come down!
He'd better not croak!
Why not?
Someone could die
from falling out of a tree.
So much for my carnations.
Too bad. It was a perfect spot.
If he doesn't wake up,
his heirs will sell the farm.
We could buy it cheap.
- Let's fiinish him off.
- No. Maybe someone saw us.
You see, Galinette...
never lose faith in Providence.