You saved my life. Thank you.
I bet that hurt to say.
You'll never know.
Let's get a bite to eat.
Get my shoes on.
-Mom, Rog is coming.
-Okay, Carrie.
Here's my welcoming committee!
Where's my daughter? Which one...?
-Come on, Daddy.
-This one's my daughter!
Home, both of you. Dinnertime.
How are you doing?
I am doing all right.
Is that a crook?
No, this is my new partner, Martin.
I'm glad you're home at a sensible hour.
Well, I try to be a sensible dad.
Come on in, Martin.
Yeah, close the door.
Hello, Nick. Get your legs
off the arm of the couch.
How you doing? Is Mommy
in the kitchen? Let's sneak up on her.
Hello, baby!
I want you to meet...
I'd like you to meet Daddy's new partner.
-Martin Riggs.
-How are you?
-This is my wife, Trish.
-Pleased to meet you.
Martin's going to join us for dinner.
-Roast okay with you?
-What's for dinner?
We'll see what's for dinner.
This is a brown, sticky...
It's roast.
How about a brown, roast-like substance?
-Roger, you're being an asshole.
-I try not to be.
-Want a drink?
-What do you got?
We have Canadian Mist...