When the plant at hillside
starts production
we can cope with our needs...
Friend, could you
cut short your report?
My report's over.
Brothers, after 30 days hard work,
today is festival once again.
The Goddesses are now here.
We should thank our true God.
Supreme Creator.
Thank you for bringing us
to this world
for creating the sun, moon and stars
to shine on our life.
Thank you for creating animals,
plants, everything
to keep us safe from starvation...
health and for creating sickness.
We also thank you
for creating the two sexes
to enable us to have pleasure.
Thank you, Lord for your grace.
The happy hour begins.
Enjoy yourselves.
May has been captured.
Never mind. Let's go.
- We must act gracefully.
- Right.
Let her try being a whore.
Cut that out.
Do you know where Laura is?
Don't keep thinking of her.
You never cared for May. Now...
It's all right. She's now...
It's her own doing.
Women are a nuisance.
You're a nuisance.
- What are you doing?
- I'll exorcise your spirits.
Spirits? I've no spirits.