Enjoy yourselves.
May has been captured.
Never mind. Let's go.
- We must act gracefully.
- Right.
Let her try being a whore.
Cut that out.
Do you know where Laura is?
Don't keep thinking of her.
You never cared for May. Now...
It's all right. She's now...
It's her own doing.
Women are a nuisance.
You're a nuisance.
- What are you doing?
- I'll exorcise your spirits.
Spirits? I've no spirits.
Now tell the Llama.
The Asian Hawk is here.
Let them do anything they please.
Don't stop them. Understand?
How long will it last?
Three days.
During this time
she'll be totally in my power.
Pledge upon death
allegiance to the Chief.
I pledge upon death...
You must go with Alan to get
the 3 pieces of the Armour of God.
I must get...
Inject the Asian Hawk
to make him loyal to us.
Inject the Asian Hawk
to make him loyal to us.
Let's drink to our meeting.
Don't drink too much,
it's very strong.
Are you afraid of getting drunk?
I'm not afraid of strong wine.