Thank you.
Keti, take Abel
to your room to play.
Sandro has already met
our esteemed Kaiosro Doksopulo.
As for Geno Rictafelov...
his name sounds like rictafela,
a children's game of tagging.
lt's a piece of wood
to tap a stick with.
Anyway, both of my companions
are first-rate singers.
That's a talent, too,
my dear hostess.
Forgive us for being a little tipsy,
we talk too much, we sing,
we even stumble a bit.
We won't bother you for long.
Any of your works can do credit
to the world's finest museums.
Excuse me, Nino.
That's the kind of painting we need:
serious, thoughtful, profound.
Dear Sandro!
ls it really impossible
that our contemporaries would have
such spiritually inspired faces,