Any of your works can do credit
to the world's finest museums.
Excuse me, Nino.
That's the kind of painting we need:
serious, thoughtful, profound.
Dear Sandro!
ls it really impossible
that our contemporaries would have
such spiritually inspired faces,
instead of the stereotyped, soulless
physiognomies, all looking alike?
Why can't we paint
a toiling woman as a Madonna?
What could be more beautiful than
a working person? Nothing!
Although you'll have a lot of
antagonists, isn't it so, Yelena?
Of course, it's absolutely true.
They will say:
''What do we need this art for?
This is just chamber art,
fit for a boudoir.
ln fact, it's escapism.''
And l would say to them:
''Sometimes escapism
means plunging
into the greater reality.
Our people need
the great reality.''
Though, do you know how
our enemies may interpret it?
As a call to anarchy.
Yes, yes, to all-out anarchy.