Here, boy,
I've got another bone for you.
- Were you sleeping?
- I wish that I could.
Why can't you? Scared of the dark?
At daybreak, head for the coast.
There are other villages there.
Not for me, I have no village.
Your mind is clouded
with thoughts of revenge.
You must remember,
we are all but parts of the whole.
We are children
in a greater family.
The Tchudes have forgotten this.
Don't you forget it.
My family is dead. I am all alone.
You may feel that way, but you
are bound up in the greater family.
You are not free,
unshakable bonds hold you to us.
How do I trust something
that can't be seen?
- Look up there. What do you see?
- Only the tent.
But what is there between you
and the wall of the tent?
- You mean there's something there?
- You see nothing?
You still can't see it?
But now you can feel
that something is there.