The Tchudes have forgotten this.
Don't you forget it.
My family is dead. I am all alone.
You may feel that way, but you
are bound up in the greater family.
You are not free,
unshakable bonds hold you to us.
How do I trust something
that can't be seen?
- Look up there. What do you see?
- Only the tent.
But what is there between you
and the wall of the tent?
- You mean there's something there?
- You see nothing?
You still can't see it?
But now you can feel
that something is there.
You can't see it in the air, but
your very existence is tied to it.
In this way all things
are bound together, intertwined.
No man can ever tear himself apart
from the whole.
But it can happen
that he loses sight of the whole.
When he does, he is like the Tchudes.
Men who have lost the path.
They stumble blindly
towards self-destruction.
Listen, and remember what I say:
This morning, I saw the reindeer bull
for the third time in my life.
The first time I saw it,
I was your age.
Then once again,
in the prime of my years.
Today, I am old. The reindeer
has come for the last time.