Do you want me
to ask him out for you?
She wants a date?
C.D., it is all because of you.
Hey, what is the matter?
She wants to see me tonight?
I cannot see her tonight.
I am already a wreck.
You have to help me.
If I talk to her, I will die.
Here is what we do:
I give you something to memorise.
- I cannot memorise.
- Anyone can memorise.
Say the Pledge of Allegiance.
You memorised that, right?
Okay, I said,
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of..."
...which country, I do not know.
We will think of something.
- No letter this time, just face to face.
- Yes.
- Do you want to sit outside?
- Do I want to sit outside? Yes.
- Here?
- Here on the porch, yes.
- We can sit right here.
- Great.
- It is a lovely evening.
- Oh, yes... It is an exquisite evening.
Filled with... mysterious portents.
Magic and romance.