
...which country, I do not know.
We will think of something.
- No letter this time, just face to face.
- Yes.

- Do you want to sit outside?
- Do I want to sit outside? Yes.

- Here?
- Here on the porch, yes.

- We can sit right here.
- Great.

- It is a lovely evening.
- Oh, yes... It is an exquisite evening.

Filled with... mysterious portents.
Magic and romance.

- Why are you wearing that hat?
- Why? ...Because...

Do not panic, stay calm.
Because tonight... I am a hunter.
Because tonight... I am a hunter.
Hunting for words.

That is good, it is okay.
Am I your prey?
Yes, but not a defenceless one.
Yes... but not a defenceless one.
Not a rabbit.
You are a lioness.

Alert and sensitive...
Alert and sensitive to every mis-step.
Move a little closer to her.
Therefore I must move silently,
moving in towards you.
