The Schwartz.
The Schwartz.
But, Yogurt, what is this place?
What is it that you do here?
- Merchandising.
- Merchandising. What's that?
Merchandising. Come, I'll show you.
Open up the store.
Come! Walk this way! Take a look.
We put the picture's name on everything!
Merchandising! Merchandising!
Where the real money
from the movie is made.
"Spaceballs" - The T-shirt.
"Spaceballs" - The colouring book.
"Spaceballs" - The lunchbox.
"Spaceballs" - The breakfast cereal.
"Spaceballs" - The flame thrower!
The kids love this one.
Last, but not least. "Spaceballs" - The doll.
May the Schwartz be with you
- President Skroob.
- What is it?
I have an urgent message from
Lord Helmet. He's lost the princess.
- Where?
- Somewhere in the sands of Vega.
Tell them to comb the desert,
do you hear me? Comb the desert!
Yes, sir.
- Sir?
- What?
- Are we being too literal?
- No, you fool, we're following orders
We were told to comb the desert,
so we're combing it
Found anything yet?
Nothing yet, sir.
How about you?
Not a thing, sir.
What about you guys?