- Colonel Sandurz!- What is it, Sergeant Ricco?
You told me to let you know the momentPlanet Druidia was in sight, sir.
- So?- Planet Druidia's in sight, sir.
You're really a Spaceball.
- You know that, don't you?- Thanks, sir.
- Have you notified Lord Helmet?- Yes, sir. He's on his way.
Make way for Dark Helmet.
All rise in the presence of Dark Helmet.
I can't breathe in this thing!
- We're approaching Planet Druidia, sir.- Good.
I'll call Spaceball Cityand notify President Skroob.
I already called him, sir.He knows everything.
You went over my helmet?
Not exactly over, sir.Uh, m-m-more to the side.