This time as their queen.
My father's final words were:
"Love her as I loved her,
and there will be joy."
I present to you your queen:
Queen Buttercup.
Why do you do this?
Because you had love in your hands,
and you gave it up.
But they would have killed Westley
if I hadn't done it.
Your true love lives
and you marry another.
True love saved her in the fire swamp,
and she treated it like garbage.
And that's what she is,
the queen of refuse!
So, bow down to her if you want.
Bow to her.
Bow to the queen of slime,
the queen of filth, the queen of putrescence.
Boo! Boo! Rubbish! Filth!
Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo!
It was ten days till the wedding.
The king still lived, but Buttercup's nightmares
were growing steadily worse.
See? Didn't I tell you she'd never
marry that rotten Humperdinck?
Yes, you're very smart.
Shut up.
It comes to this:
I love Westley.
I always have.
I know now I always will.
If you tell me I must
marry you in ten days,
please believe
I will be dead by morning.
I could never cause you grief.
Consider our wedding off.
You returned this Westley to his ship?