the queen of filth, the queen of putrescence.
Boo! Boo! Rubbish! Filth!
Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo!
It was ten days till the wedding.
The king still lived, but Buttercup's nightmares
were growing steadily worse.
See? Didn't I tell you she'd never
marry that rotten Humperdinck?
Yes, you're very smart.
Shut up.
It comes to this:
I love Westley.
I always have.
I know now I always will.
If you tell me I must
marry you in ten days,
please believe
I will be dead by morning.
I could never cause you grief.
Consider our wedding off.
You returned this Westley to his ship?
- Yes.
- Then we will simply alert him.
Beloved, are you certain
he still wants you?
After all, it was you
who did the leaving in the fire swamp.
Not to mention that pirates
are not known to be men of their words.
My Westley will always come for me.
I suggest a deal.
You write four copies of a letter.
I'll send my four fastest ships.
One in each direction.
The dread pirate Roberts is always close
to Florin this time of year.
We'll run up the white flag
and deliver your message.
If Westley wants you,
bless you both.
If not... please consider me
as an alternative to suicide.
Are we agreed?