That wouldn't do anyone
any good.
You say we can prevent her from
going back to the orphanage?
We'd need a man to sacrifice his
freedom so she can keep hers.
Marry her?
Marry Juliette?
The poor guy would never get
a hat on over his horns.
She won't find a husband here,
believe me.
How do you know?
I'd like the Daily Herald.
We only get it in the summer.
No problem. I'll come back.
It's noon... l'm locking up.
So you leave tomorrow.
Are you sad?
If you found another job,
could you stay?
Nothing can be done.
Are you going home?
No, I'm going to eat
on the jetty.
What if you got married?
Who would want me?
Wouldn't you be a good wife?