I wonder where she goes
every day.
You should keep an eye on her.
I hear only the sound
of your voice in the night
Let's dance together
swaying to your words of love
Slowly and again
and forever and ever
Tell me something
my sweet darling
Take me in your arms
I'd love to.
And smile
I know, in this game
You can steal my heart
and my life
But tell me something sweet
Are you happy?
Of course.
No, you aren't cut out
for this kind of life.
I know you very well, you know.
We're cast from the same mold,
you and I.
You can lie... I can't.
You'll learn.
Let me ask you again:
Are you happy?
I'm trying.
Your husband is a fool.
With a wife like you,
he should find money.
How so?
I'm offering it to him.
Why won't they sell?