
Right there! Sea Point Park, New York.
- Yes?
- They're waiting for you.

See you around.
There's this flat screen on the inside
with pictures on it.

You read it, and when you get to the bottom,
you have to make a choice...

..of what the character's gonna do - if he's
gonna fight the dragon, you push a button.

- Paul?
- I don't get it.

- Well...
- Paul!

- It's a comic book...
- See, there's a computer chip inside,...

..which stores the choices. At the end
of a page, you decide where the story goes.

- That's the point.
- Terrific, Susan.

- The kid makes his own decision.
- This is possible?

Yeah! In fact, it's a very simple program.
Isn't that... Isn't that right?
So what happens
when you run out of choices?

That's the great thing.
You can sell different adventures.

Just pop in a brand-new disk,
and you get a whole new set of options.

- We could market this on a comic-book rack.
- Mm-hm.

I'll be right back.
How much would the unit cost?
Well, our initial figure
was around, uh... seven...
