Deep shit, Epstein.
How deep in the shit
would you say he was in, Jerome?
About up to here.
Arnold Epstein always took
his punishment without complaint.
More and more I wanted to be his friend
because he never seemed to need one.
Could I have less shells
in my eggs this morning?
Thank you.
48-hour pass. I'm gonna eat spaghetti
with clam sauce for two days.
In Mississippi
they make spaghetti with cotton.
We are set, guys.
I got the address of a place.
Yeah, what kind of place?
You wouldn't like it, Hennesey.
They don't have families there.
- Son of a bitch!
- What's wrong?
Hey! Somebody broke into my footlocker
last night. They emptied my wallet.
They took my pay and every cent
I had in the worid - 62 bucks.
Dirty bastard!
Well, how do know someone stole it?
Maybe you just lost it.
Cos I counted it before I hit the sack.
I was saving it for the big weekend.
Don't think I'm not wise to who did it. It
was Epstein. He wants to get back at me.
Maybe he's sore at you,
but he's not the kind that steals money.
Who asked you, Hennesey, huh?
What are you?
What are you? One of those Irish Jews?
Huh? All I did was call him a couple of
names. Where I'm from we're all Polacks.
Dagos, niggers, sheenies -
that stuff doesn't mean crap to me.
You're a Mick. What do I care?
Yeah, half-Mick,...
- Whoa. You serious?
- Yeah.
My father's Irish.
My mother's Coloured.
- You can't be. They wouldn't let you in.
- I never told anybody.