
Don't you waste your loyalty on him.
He'll dump you after Valentine's Day.

Isn't that clever?
What the hell are you
doing down here?

This lad is the best bartender south
of 14th Street. It's his downfall.

- I don't see how being good at something can be your downfall.
- Thank you.

I grant you, it's not an easy
concept to grasp.

Now, you take our hero here.
I haven't seen him for a while, and
I've never been in this joint before...

but I will bet my bile duct he's got some
kind of success manual behind the bar.

Come on, Flanagan,
I know it's here.

- Touché.
- Voila.

You see, Flanagan's a believer.
Always will be.

- He doesn't realize that the doors are shut to people like us.
- Well, maybe he wants to open them.

Then he has to steal the key,

Something Coughlin here
has been unable to do.

Hey, I don't have to, not any more.
I've had my miracle.

Oh, what? Some alky
remember you in his will?

I am in love.
There is my miracle.
Who? Pocahontas over there,
waiting for everyone to notice her?

How dare you speak that way
about my wife.

- Your wife? In your dreams.
- For real.

We are here on our honeymoon.

Come hither.
You're married?
This is true love,
young Flanagan.

True love with a kicker.
She's got millions.

- Where were you? I thought you drowned or something.
- No such luck.
