- Not yet.
- Good.
- You dog.
- Dog.
- Chop another one?
- Not yet.
Tonight the night?
No, we are gonna sit around
reading feminist poetry. What do you think?
I didn't know there was going to be
all these heavy hitters here.
Well, that was a surprise, kid.
I took the captain's exam and passed high.
That's great. It couldn't come
at a better time, 'cause...
- I'm going to need all the clout I can get.
- That's my boy.
Couldn't even say congratulations before...
you turn it into something
for your own benefit.
Come on, Dutch, that goes without saying.
Doesn't go without saying
when you want something, though, does it?
This means you heard
about my run-in with Gaffney?
Fucking A, I heard about it.
You think Gaffney's gonna let me forget
you are my boy?
He's wrong about this one, Dutch.
We've got ourselves a serial killer.
There is no way I'm gonna get him
without the help I need.
Five guys, that's all I ask.
I already used all my clout to save your ass.
Now you want me to put it back on the line?
I don't care where you put it,
as long as I get five men.
You better care, because that group in there
is gonna be running the department.
And damn near
half of them are born-agains...
which means they will be gunning
for guys like you.
Every cunt hound, whoremonger,
troublemaker and kamikaze...
that doesn't go by the book
is on their shit list.
Give them a chance,
they'll bounce your ass right off the force.
So don't tell me you don't care
where I put it.
- Anything else I should know?
- Yeah.
I told Gaffney you'd apologize to him.
That's when I expected you to show up
with your wife...
instead of one of your girlfriends.
Shows you what a schmuck I am.
You had no play anyway, Dutch,
because my wife left me.
And I wouldn't apologize to that
sanctimonious cocksucker Gaffney...
if he offered to cop my joint...
in the commissioner's office at high noon.
How about that?
We were just chatting about you.
Did you see my date?
Are we going any place in particular?
It looks like we just passed through here.
We did.