Dead Ringers

Oh, sorry.
I see Beverly has been doing
a little basking, after all!

He has a lot to celebrate.
He has been recognised as one of
North America's leading clinicians.

Ladies and gentlemen,...
..Dr Beverly Mantle.
- You all right?
- Had rather a lot to drink.

Just want to say something.
- I just want to say some...
- (microphone feedback)

I just want to say something.
(clears throat)
There's been a fraud
perpetrated here tonight.

The whole thing's a fraud!
- He's Beverly and I'm Elliot!
- (laughter)

- Just say thank you and get off.
- No!

I want to say something else!
A lot of you are probably wondering...
:41:01 we divide the work.
Well, it's like this...
I slave over the hot snatches...
..and Elliot... makes the speeches!
For God's sake!
I do everything for those bimbos, except
take them home and stick it in them!

(audience gasps)
Well, he's clearly been doing a lot
of celebrating. Who can blame him?

Thank you so much. Thank you.
(alarm clock beeping)
(beeping grows louder)
I'm sorry about the catastrophe
last night.

It's true I had to smooth
a few ruffled feathers this morning.
