The recording only takes the first
few metres
And it's a ninety-minute cassette, see?
Clever, that
I had an inkling when you came in
You should have followed your instinct
Yeah, a fellow came to me
to the other day...
My brother
Not as clever as you
He didn't know everything then
He didn't know you
Do you want money, or the stamps?
The latter
I see
...the sons of...?
Who is it?
It's me
A moment
What's that beast you have there?
Wait a minute
What was that?
A dog, I locked him in the bathroom
My key doesn't fit the lock, damn it
I changed the lock
They say you should do it
from time to time
Who says so?
Friends of mine who know a thing
or two Here's your new key
The next time would you please
tell me in advance
I've spent half a day wandering about
and trying to reach you on the phone
And what about that dog?
Just a dog
Does he ever stop?
Those friends told me to get one,
so I bought him, shall I let him out?
I'm afraid he might bite you
But you've got to do something
about him He should know I'm not a thief
I'm scared of him myself
Lokis! To heel! Halt!
To heel, Lokis?