Mayday, Mayday,
anyone copying channel nine.
Terrorists have seized
the Nakatomibuilding...
..and are holding
at least 30 people hostage.
I repeat.
Unknown number ofterrorists...
..six or more
armed with automatic weapons...
..at Nakatomi Plaza,...
..Century City.
Where's the best place to transmit?
The roof!
Go! Go!
It's the same address
as that fire signal.
I'll handle it.
Attention, whoever you are,...
..this channel is reserved
for emergency calls only.
No fucking shit, lady!
Do lsoundlike I'm ordering a pizza?
No-one kills him but me.
They have already killed one hostage.
They are fortifying their positions
while you're jerkin' me off on the radio!
Sir, I've already told you.
This is a reserved channel.
If this is an emergency call,
dial 911 on your telephone.
Otherwise, I'll report this
as an FCC violation.
Fine! Report me!
Come the fuck down here and arrest me!
Just send the police now!
See if a black and white can drive by.
Thought you guys just ate doughnuts.
- They're for my wife.
- Yeah.
- She's pregnant.
- Yeah.
Bag it.
Big time.
Dispatch to 8-Lincoln-30. Over.