Thank you.
Pardon me, miss.
Will you place a bet for me?
It's difficult for me
to reach the table.
Sure. What number would you like?
The way my luck's been running....
Would you pick a number for me?
I could use all the luck I can get.
Will you ask him if he could advance
me a few dollars on this?
Im sorry, I cannot, monsieur.
That's fine. Thank you.
Excuse me.
Monsieur wins again.
Listen, maybe I can help you.
-That was my last chance.
-Last chance for what?
My last chance for an operation.
Shouldn't the Navy pay
for your operation?
It's not for me.
It's for my grandmother.
I just heard from the hospital
that she's in bad shape...
...and if they don't operate soon,
she might....