Ernest Saves Christmas

Excuse me, pop.
This is it, Joey.

The hand of fate
is reaching out to you.

I know how broken up you are
about your show being bounced,

but you've got a shot
for the lead in a movie.

What's the movie about?
A holiday flick
called "Christmas Sleigh. "

Blake Farrell had the lead.
At the last minute,
he goes skiing, falls on his puss,

and wrecks up a $5,000 nose job.
Do you love it?
I love it, yes.

Talk about luck, right?
The interview
is in a couple of hours.

I want you to tint your hair
and lose the beard.

No, Joe, no!
Don't go looking like him.
You're set with my hairstylist.

Derek can make a hair blower
do everything except sit up and bark.

But your beard is wonderful!
I think so too, Marty.

Who is this guy?
Already, I don't like him.

- My name is Sant...
- Excuse me, Mr. Santos.

We're having a conversation.
May we continue, please?

S'il vous plait.
Thank you so much.

My goodness, my sack!
I can't believe I left it.
I must really be slipping.
You're always pulling this stuff,

knocking down the meters,
giving free rides to every hobo
you come across.

But Mr. Dillis, this wasn’t just a hobo.
This guy was different.
Call it clairvoyance,
call it "extra-sensitory perspiration. "
I just had this hunch.
I am not running
a charity operation here.

This is a business,
and we're supposed to make money,

and good Samaritans like you
don't make money!

I've had it with you, Ernest.
You're fired!
Ernest, it was a dead-end job, anyway.
