My goodness, my sack!
I can't believe I left it.
I must really be slipping.
You're always pulling this stuff,
knocking down the meters,
giving free rides to every hobo
you come across.
But Mr. Dillis, this wasnt just a hobo.
This guy was different.
Call it clairvoyance,
call it "extra-sensitory perspiration. "
I just had this hunch.
I am not running
a charity operation here.
This is a business,
and we're supposed to make money,
and good Samaritans like you
don't make money!
I've had it with you, Ernest.
You're fired!
Ernest, it was a dead-end job, anyway.
I mean, it's nowhere
working for a guy like that.
If there hadn't been children present,
it would have been
a very ugly scene indeed.
Know what I mean?
Hey, take this with you!
Why didn't you just tell him
you were robbed?
This could have all been avoided
if you'd just lied.
Merry Christmas.!
Ernest, you are in serious need of help.
Wait a minute. Stand fast, Bobby.
I think I hear something.
Do you remember anything
about the cab,
beside the fact
that it was yellow?
No "Worrell" at City Cab.