Well, it looks like, could be
and probably is a little after 7 a.m...
...on a sleepy Saturday morning
in Kenosha...
...which, right now, is as lively as any
other town in the world at 7 a.m.
Except here, a cool jock
with hot rock...
...me, Laid-back Larry, in the mind
of mellow Middle America...
...happening for you early-rising
lovers of life, love...
...and the pursuit of music,
rain or shine.
And the rain is coming.
Light showers predicted...
...clearing this afternoon.
Now, from the top
of the charts, the beautiful--
Darcy, Lila's here.
Hi, Mrs. Elliot.
-Darcy, we're gonna be late.
-I know. I'm almost done.
Is that your article
on Senator Proxmire?
-I thought you mailed it.
-I'm excited for you girls!
-A weekend at a college!
-You didn't mail it?
That press conference
last night changed everything.
-I hate this stupid thing!
-Are you done?
I know Darcy would love me
to come...
...but I have to work if Darcy and I
are gonna go to Paris.
-That's what she said. Come on.
-I'm done. I'll mail it on the road.
The news said it was gonna rain,
but it looks nice out to me.
So you're gonna be staying
in a dorm?
I'm not prying.
You're entitled to your space.
Mother. You're standing
in my space.
Oh. Okay, give me a kiss.
Come on.