Darcy, Lila's here.
Hi, Mrs. Elliot.
-Darcy, we're gonna be late.
-I know. I'm almost done.
Is that your article
on Senator Proxmire?
-I thought you mailed it.
-I'm excited for you girls!
-A weekend at a college!
-You didn't mail it?
That press conference
last night changed everything.
-I hate this stupid thing!
-Are you done?
I know Darcy would love me
to come...
...but I have to work if Darcy and I
are gonna go to Paris.
-That's what she said. Come on.
-I'm done. I'll mail it on the road.
The news said it was gonna rain,
but it looks nice out to me.
So you're gonna be staying
in a dorm?
I'm not prying.
You're entitled to your space.
Mother. You're standing
in my space.
Oh. Okay, give me a kiss.
Come on.
-Have fun.
Maybe you'll meet some
university men, huh, girls?
Right, Mom.
I wouldn't mind you meeting
some new boys.
There, I've said it.
Mom, what time do you have
to be at work?
Oh, yeah, I guess
I better get going.
You drive carefully, Lila.
Why didn't I think of that?
Call me if you meet
someone special.
You guys. So romantic,
you two going off together.
Spending the night together.
-Got the map?
-Got the map.
Alone together for the first time.
-In the car. Thermos?
-Full. Thanks for covering me.
-Don't worry about it.
-See you tomorrow, pal.
-Bye, guys.