For Keeps

Mrs. Sitwell would like
her other shoe back.

So she can leave.
-So when do we tell our folks?
-Do we have to tell them?

-Okay, soon.

The sooner the better.
What do you think of that, Donna?
You better like that!

Like it? I'm stunned.
Yeah, that's the Eiffel Tower.
You plug it in.

It lights up, just like the real one.
I know just where I'd like to put this.
Thank you for the belt, Mrs. Bobrucz.
I saw that in the store, I said to myself,
"Who has a waist that little?"

Our Darcy!
She gets that type of a figure
from her mother.

Now, Donna...
...Merry Christmas.
-Now we're gonna have a toast.
-Thank you.

-Dad, what about us?
-Are you kidding?

Sure, I always get my children loaded
on Christmas.

There's yours.
There's yours. Go out to the icebox,
get yourself some ginger ale.

It's great Stan and Darcy
got us together.

Today, we gonna let
bygones be bygones.

I think even Donna will go along
with me on this one.

There is nothing-- I mean
absolutely nothing like family.

Darcy? Honey?
-Merry Christmas, sweetie.
-Merry Christmas, Stan.

Merry Christmas, honey.
Okay. To family.
After all, this was the day Mary
and Joseph started their little family.
