For Keeps

...Merry Christmas.
-Now we're gonna have a toast.
-Thank you.

-Dad, what about us?
-Are you kidding?

Sure, I always get my children loaded
on Christmas.

There's yours.
There's yours. Go out to the icebox,
get yourself some ginger ale.

It's great Stan and Darcy
got us together.

Today, we gonna let
bygones be bygones.

I think even Donna will go along
with me on this one.

There is nothing-- I mean
absolutely nothing like family.

Darcy? Honey?
-Merry Christmas, sweetie.
-Merry Christmas, Stan.

Merry Christmas, honey.
Okay. To family.
After all, this was the day Mary
and Joseph started their little family.

That's funny you should mention that.
Here's the thing.

-We're gonna have one too.

-A family. Darcy and l.
-Oh, well, yeah. Good, great.

God bless you. Someday.
I mean, now.
What the hell are you talking about?
What Stan is trying to say is...
...we've decided to keep the baby.
-You lied.
-No, I didn't lie!

When you asked me how it went,
I said that it wasn't so bad.

But you didn't do anything!
-That's why it wasn't so bad.
-We haven't worked out the details.

Work out this detail! Your future's
going right in the toilet!

We were gonna do it anyway.
We're starting our future now.

-What future?
-We married young.
