John Lennon, Man of the Decade.
Take one.
How hopeful are you
about the future, John?
I'm full of optimism, knowing that there's
other people around...
I can get on, agree with.
I'm not insane. I'm not alone.
That's just on a personal level.
Of course, the Woodstock, Isle of Wight,
all the mass meetings of the youth...
is completely positive for me.
And when I'm negative, I've got Yoko.
The '60s were just
waking up in the morning.
And we haven't even
got to dinnertime yet.
I can't wait. I just can't wait.
I'm so glad to be around.
And it's just going to be great,
and there's gonna be...
You're driving it, too. I see.
Sorry. This is for love, I'm doing this,
you understand. And for art.
- He just wanted to...
- For the sake of art.
If you think you know me or you have
some part of me because of the music...
and then you think that I'm being
controlled like a dog on a leash...
because I do things with her...
then screw you, brother, or sister.
You don't know what's happening.
I'm not here for you.
I'm here for me and her.
Is that the audience
you're keeping out there?
I'll try and get them to let you in.
This way.
Can I put something to both of you...
about this creative phase
that you're both going through at present?
I think you've got to accept, John
and Yoko, that, particularly you, John...
that it's alienated you from the people
who originally loved you in this country.
- A lot of them.
- They don't understand you anymore.
The alienation started
was when I met Yoko.