"He opened her thighs
and penetrated her. "
"She felt a pain almost as sharp
as on her bridal night.
But followed moments later.
As he moved in her.
By an illumination of her body such
as she had never believed possible. "
"He orders tea. Brought by a maid.
She gets dressed. "
"The street. The girls. Are still there.
She sees her husband in a café. "
"She hesitates. Joins him."
"He begs forgiveness.
Can't understand it..."
"She says nothing."
"He insults himself, then says:
"I came back after 10 minutes.
I've been wandering around..."
"He adds, softly: What did you do?"
"I wandered around, too, she said."
"He took her hand,
and she did not pull away."
"He says:
Jocelyne, we'll forget all this."
"We'll stay at home
on Sunday, watch TV."
"He asks if she wants a drink. Silence."
"He suggests tea.
Strange, he knows she never drinks it."
"She replies: I've already had one."
"With a gesture which he meant
to be affectionate, he touched her knee
and stroked the fabric of her skirt.
The End."
- A cat? Absolutely not.
- Why?
You may be allergic to cats' hair.
Whence comes, sir, this love for cats?
From Baudelaire, madame.
"Fervent lovers and austere scholars
Both love cats."
And you, madame,
do you like this poem?
"Friends of science and of delight"
"They seek the silence
and horror of darkness"
Did you get that from the library?
Show me.
It's poetry. And yet...
"Yet peacefully,
Charlemagne and his knights
"Left the mountain, forgetting fights"